TETRA DMO and TMO AT Command Application

About the Tetra Data Messaging Application

The AT Command Tool LAN-SDS Lite is a  free Data Messaging Software for TETRA DMO and TMO Communication.

Use the LAN-SDS Tool to exchange DMO or TMO  Text and Status Messages with other Tetra Terminals of any Tetra Radio Vendor.

The Java Application LAN-SDS  get access to  the AT Interface of your Radio Terminal via  Data Cable  and communicates with the AT Command Line through  AT Commands and Java Logic .

Requirements to run your EADS / Cassidian / Airbus Device with LAN-SDS

  •  1x Data Cable for THR880i, THR9, TMR880i, TDM880i, TDR880i  or P8GR
  •   Windows or Linux PC or any Device that runs JAVA with Minimum 1GB RAM
  • Minimum Radio Terminal Firmware is 6.69 , Recommended SW Level is 7.06 – up to SW Level 7.71
  • Be aware to change  the  AT Command Set via TPT or TAQTO to AT Command Set v.7.2 if it is not the same Level. And sometimes others do the Parameters Configuration for you. So in Case you are a Industry or HAM User you can set this one Parameter by your ownd.

There are several LAN-SDS Versions available:

AT Commands are a  bit different for DMO or TMO Mode so there are several Versions available for  TEA1 (Industry) or TEA2 (Authorities)  Radio Terminals.

About LAN-SDS Full Version

The Full Version offers more Feature as like GPS Tracking

Use the unique and own developed  SQL-SDS Messaging Feature so the Java Programming Logic –  so that means the ISSI receives the Message forwards and interacts with whatever / your  Database and the Result (so Info/Text/String or Integer )is sent back to you or better your ISSI  by Text Message . The Java Logic checks the Database Entry and returnes  a 1:1 directed  Text Message

This Services works automatically 24/7 by its own.

E-Mail:  info@at-commands.tetraterminal.com

49 (0) 151 64 550 550

06032 9283494

Are you interested into AT Commands as a HAM Tetra User on 70cm 400- more exactly 430-440 MHz Band  ?  Take your mobile phone and not your messenger and call me.  /T / N are welcome and can be supported without Money . You are welcome to ask your experimental Questions. Best Regards

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